Rapid Rehousing Pathway (Sefton only)
This is a Rough Sleeper Initiative funded service for those service users who are:
- Assessed by current accommodation as having low-level needs and ready to manage their own tenancy with a level of support supplied by the Rapid Rehousing Worker.
- Identified as ready to move on into their own tenancy from a hostel placement to alleviate a level of bed-blocking within the hostel.
- Identified by Sefton Housing Options as ready to live independently.
- Have barriers to accessing housing.
The aim of this service is to provide short to medium tenancy support for clients (male and female) with low level support needs who require:
- Support to find a tenancy within the private rented sector or social housing.
- Support to make any new tenancy sustainable by providing the required level of support needed up to a six-month period.
- Support to remove barriers to accessing move on accommodation.
The service will enable service users to receive support from their tenancy support worker to access a tenancy and help the individual make it sustainable.
Our staff are well experienced in Housing Law and Choice Based Letting Schemes and will challenge exclusions given to clients that are not in keeping with the Allocations Policy.
The RRP scheme holds a small “landlord incentive fund” which can be used for rental deposits.
The service is complementary to other existing council commissioned homelessness services.
Referrals to this service is via the Mainstay System via their current support worker, and clients are only eligible for this service if they currently reside within a commissioned scheme operated by Sefton Supported Housing Group (SSHG). Sefton Supported Housing Group – for the homeless of Sefton