Alexis Mitchell

Alex started her career in services back in 1999 where she started working as an advisor on the National Drugs Helpline, National Aids Line and Drinkline – A UK wide helpline. She was promoted to Team Leader and eventually ran the Information and Training Department, delivering training UK wide on the subjects of Drugs, Sexual Health and Alcohol. She then moved to the Social Partnership and delivered training both internally and externally. She delivered training for the “Fixers Project”. This programme employed clients within recovery with lived experience to complete work placements in the drug and alcohol field and work towards both accredited and non accredited qualifications. Many of these work placements led to full time employment. Which proves that people can and do change!!

Alex has worked at Excel Housing since November 2021. She started her career as a service manager with another organisation and then managed the homeless provision Eventually she was promoted to the role of Operations Manager for these services. She still uses her training skills in Excel Housing Solutions, writing and delivering training material.

Alex is still very involved in services and continues to develop the support and accommodation Excel Housing Solutions provides.